jueves, 20 de enero de 2011

Informe Guácharo - Noviembre 2009

Fecha: 23 de Noviembre de 2009
Destinatario: CES de AD de Monagas
Propósito: Revisión de Denuncia de Complicidad y Remisión al CEN de AD para su procesamiento

Resumen: A raiz de los resultados de las Elecciones Regionales de 2008, cuando se observó la certera intervención de PDVSA entregando dinero y equipos a los movilizadores de los Municipios Acosta y Caripe de Monagas, se inició una investigación de todos los que participaron en la conformación de la estructura electoral. El resultado produjo antecedentes injustificables que señalan a Félix Claudio Arroyo como el responsable de la compra de las máquinas SmartMatic y el incremento del REP en el año 2004, cuando era personal de confianza de los Rectores Carrasquero y Rodríguez. Luego, a partir del 2006, junto a Vicente Bello, ha sido el responsable de certificar el "adecuado" funcionamiento del sistema electoral.


domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

Smartmatic - Artículo de Alek Boyd - 14/08/2005

Smartmatic - Artículo de Alek Boyd - 14/08/2005

London 14.08.05 | The Florida register of companies contains details of the board of directors of Smartmatic Corporation, which is formed by Antonio Mugica, Alfredo Anzola, Antonio Mugica Rivero, Roger Piñate, Antonio Mugica Sesma and Luis Feliu [1]. Its principal place of business is 1001 Broken Sound Parkway, NW, STE D, Boca Raton, FL 33487. The company's history in Venezuela dates back to seven years ago when the venture was "the Research and Development Unit of Panagroup in Venezuela" (sic) and in "2000 we realized the true impact of our technology in the growing device-networking market, and we emerged as an independent company" (sic) [2]. The Miami Herald reported on Friday May 28, 2004 [ F2 EDITION]: 

"A large and powerful investor in the software company that will design electronic ballots and record votes for Venezuela's new and much criticized election system is the Venezuelan government itself... Venezuela's investment in Bizta Corp., the ballot software firm, gives the government 28 percent ownership of the company it will use to help deliver voting results in future elections, including the possible recall referendum against President Hugo Chavez, according to records obtained by The Herald... Until a year ago, the Bizta Corp. was a struggling Venezuelan software company with barely a sales deal to its name, records show. Then, the Venezuelan government -- through a venture capital fund -- invested about $200,000 and bought 28 percent of it" (sic).  

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